嗨,你好鸭,我是绍彬 Steve, 前外企软件工程师,伦敦大学国王学院的软件工程硕士,现在是厂子里业务开发一枚。我喜欢研究后台开发和大数据处理框架等技术(有时候也看点编译相关的东西)
Hiya, this is Steve. I am a former software engineer of a multinational company and I have obtained the postgraduate degree in Software Engineering from King’s College London. Nowadays, I am working for a ticketing company which ‘might be’ famous in China.
🤔 I am interested in Backend Development and Big Data Processing Infrastructure. (Sometimes I am happy to investigate some complier relevant technologies)
欢迎你戳页面底部的联系方式与我联系呀 ~